Energy Update – February 11, 2014

It's been building gradually, for about a week now, and is now more "in your face" and demanding attention. I am talking about feeling out of sync with one's own body and environment. I find it frustrating, and perhaps a bit embarrassing at times. I am dropping things...

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Energy Update – January 30, 2014

Sleep is once again feast (heavy, deep, long sleep) or famine (insomnia or short “cat naps”). Energy-wise, we continue to work on integrating new energies that come to us monthly. This newest one, which appeared to begin last weekend, is still with us. This one is...

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Energy Alert – January 16, 2014

The full moon was last night. Although this one was called a Mini-Moon (the smallest full moon) -  it packed quite a punch while bringing the newest energies in. Many felt the energy shift begin early yesterday - a feeling of being a bit "off"; frustration; trouble...

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Channeling – Part Two

(Part One here) Q. I went to a group channeling, but the channeler was very vague, or basically said what I had secretly hoped to hear, but it didn’t feel/seem right. A. Unfortunately there are some people who are reading one of the more dense subtle bodies (closer to...

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Happy Trails to You for 2014

by Liz Cook I read many posts from different people on Face book this morning and though most were wishing good cheer for the New Year, there were many that were glad to be done with 2013. I sat pondering what these people must have been feeling that they would feel...

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Channeling – Part One

Over the past month many have contacted me with questions about channeling or requests to learn channeling. What is Channeling? (The following definitions are how I use the terms.) Channeling is the art of communicating information received from non-physical beings...

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Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2014

Metaphysical, spiritual and of-interest articles, poetry, prose, events. These newsletters contain more than what is posted on the blog – Hope you enjoy! Please note: Many phones are not able to open this multi-paged Pdf.  You accept all responsibility.   January...

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Following the last full moon, and its accompanying energy download, some people are feeling besieged by frustrations (relationship/interactions), especially frustrations from the past about not feeling protected or supported; not feeling heard or acknowledged; or...

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Energy Alert – December 30, 2013

Feeling lighter and perhaps more peaceful; a sense of settling; a breather; a cleansing of the palette if, you will. This is the energy that began moving through on Friday and is still with us. This is in preparation for the new year. A gentle, but not too subtle...

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