Energy Update – Nov. 5, 2013

We have seen, since Mercury went retrograde, even more energy downloads hitching rides in on yet another eclipse and more solar flares. This has created some wonky energy - which has produced more bizarre and weird incidents with people who are having a more difficult...

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I Fired My Pharmacy Today

(The following is my experience with one pharmacy – it does not mean it is a typical experience.) Last year my pharmacy kept harassing me with monthly phone calls about having a prescription ready for me to pick up. I’d go in and tell them to take me off the automatic...

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Break Free!

Break Free! Dreams stir within the heaviness which laden the subconscious. Blood cells carry our ancestor’s memories – Etheric separated from physical. The barrier? Our own ignorance. Days pass, cycles continue galaxy wide – Yet we remain within individual cocoons,...

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Hold Your Light

I sat down to connect with my team and write the next article. The connection wasn’t like it usually is; I wrote a line, erased it, and then same words would come back again. So I went with it, but it still felt off. I erased everything, and asked my team what was...

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Energy Update – October 17, 2013

We are still reeling from the effects of the latest solar flares which precedes tomorrow’s full moon. Please remember that we have “discussed” the energy downloads riding in on our full moons – and that sometimes extra downloads are added around that time (since we...

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You Each Have Your Role

Hubby and I were on the road and stopped by a shop we frequent when out that way, and we often enjoy chatting with the establishment’s owners – this day was no different. Some topics came up that I get frustrated over and decided I was going to write about it and put...

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Morgellons Energy Signature

(I am not a doctor or scientist; I am only writing my interpretation of the energy signatures and patterns. The information contained here on this disease is not all inclusive. Caution: this may be unsettling to some people – may be verbally graphic.) Morgellons...

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Behind the Scenes

I thank each and every one of you for visiting, exploring, reading and sharing Reality-Undefined and Metaphysical-Studies site. We have over 10,000 visits each month; it is very exciting watching it grow! However, many visitors contact me and want to share their...

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A Dream

by Mary C Smith For a time we rode the crest of plump, acid green hills, that curved and rolled like the sway of a tired old horse, free at last from his heavy plow. Above us, to the north, rising through mottled vegetation, smelling of ginger, cinnamon and primal...

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Conspiracy Theory

I was doing some research recently which involved delving into some heavier (energy-wise) topics and some of the topics were on conspiracy theories. I am not saying that all conspiracy theories are nonsense; that would be naïve and unrealistic. I believe every story...

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