The Buck Stops Here

I watched a video of teenaged bullying recently. It turned my stomach. Some people are killing themselves because they feel they are alone and/or worthless; no one stood up for them. Bullying and intimidation in any form, at any age, is not okay. Schools,...

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Something is Happening

We have been working hard to keep up with the wave after wave of energy shifts, downloads and purgings…so much has been going on that after Aug. 25th, some people hadn’t realized that something happened…or better yet – something is happening. Some experienced it in...

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Stripped Down to the Bare Bones

We had constantly struggled to fit somewhere – to belong. We didn’t know who we were, so we longed to be around others who would help define us. Then many found themselves cut off, or more isolated, than ever before; spending quality alone time. Some enjoyed this new...

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Haunted by Your Fears

Over the past few weeks I have heard from others about their anxiety climbing. They are worried and uncertain about all the strife they are reading, hearing about, feeling and/or seeing locally and globally. Others are also feeling something building…preparing to...

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Are All Changes Bad?

You can find stories, videos, pictures, etc. about changes occurring as well as mutations showing up. We all know that – despite the media turning a blind eye – the Fukushima radiation poisoning has affected the world in varying degrees; the higher concentration of...

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Energy Update – July 30, 2013

The fog has begun to lift. Some are now finding their concentration and/or focus is beginning to return. The connection to the other side is not so thick feeling. Our connections on the other side are cheering loudly. Although we – humans living on Earth – only get a...

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Why I Share with You

I have been writing articles and sharing with you since 2008. I write about my experiences, perceptions, understandings and beliefs - all of which are not concreted; they change and grow as I change and grow. Sharing my experiences with the world is not so easy for me...

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Energy Shifts Continue

For the past two weeks, I have heard from others about the discomfort they’ve been experiencing. Extremely exhausted Feeling like this (whatever “this” is) is never going to end Easily annoyed or irritated Unusual dreams Feeling weary I – myself – am still working on...

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Graceful Ongoing Dance

Some people are once again finding themselves alone; friends pulling away or moving away; or some of you are pulling away from your own friends. A lot of lightworkers/energy workers see this pattern again and again in their lives. It’s okay. Well, not really – it kind...

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