Trust Yourself
As some of you know, I had an unusual experience this past week. I was in the office working on my paper (for hypnosis certification) and heard the front door open, heard footsteps enter the house and then...nothing. I looked at the clock and realized it couldn't be...
Detoxifying Moon
This last full moon brought in energy for detoxifying; physically and emotionally *. We are being prompted to address and clean out and/or correct toxin buildup. Dietary: We are being asked to pay attention and be responsible for what we eat and what we are putting...
Rediscover the Child Within
I recently did an energy read for someone, and one thing that came through was the song title “Return to Innocence”. While working with my team on this week’s article, they brought that song title back to me and requested it be used for the article. I next looked at...
Energy Update – Week of June 10, 2013
Some of you have begun to experience a heavy depression, sadness, sense of hopelessness, etc. Baring any mental health issues – we are experiencing an increase in empathic abilities, which means we are feeling these heavy, sad emotions emanating from others worldwide....
Being Confronted by Someone Else’s Rage or Anger – What’s an Empath to Do?
The following energy signatures, or energy descriptions (not all inclusive), are from my observations and interpretations on the energy levels. I highly recommend anyone with anger or rage issues to seek counseling. As we spiritually evolve, we become more sensitive...
How Many Times Do We Turn Our Other Cheek?
I have debated long and hard as to whether or not write this article. I finally decided to do it and to dedicate it to those lone warriors who were killed to keep them from exposing truths; the people who dedicated their lives to protecting us and guiding us, but were...
Leave the Rote Behind
As many have discovered, our thoughts and words do create, whether our thoughts or words are flippant or cursory or detailed or passionate. The more engaged we are in our words and thoughts, the more powerful and meaningful the manifestation. Prayer is a form of...
Downloads, Upgrades and Updates
I would like to re-address the energy shifts. Many people are still getting confused, scared, worried, panicked, etc. right around the full moon phase and then about up to two weeks following the full moon (yes, in time to start gearing up for the next full moon – a...
I’m Stuck!
I’m stuck! How do I get out of my rut? How do I figure out what I am supposed to be doing? How do I know my souls purpose/ my purpose in this lifetime? These and similar questions are being asked more and more. I usually cannot give a person a pat answer such as “You...
by Dragon Spirit “Okay, okay, OKAY, I get it!” I kept saying aloud but, apparently I didn’t get the message. Standard answers were not going to be acceptable, I was supposed to REALLY listen and then fess up. You see, I’ve just flat out burned out. No flicker or...
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