We’ve recently had a rash of electronic mishaps; computer, land line phones, internet connectivity, etc. going wonky. Mercury Retrograde? I love reading my astrological forecasts, but just about anything else regarding astrology loses me, except Mercury going...
Changes 101
We are an adaptive species (I am not talking about consuming GMO’s, radiation contaminated foods, and the assorted unhealthy creations) – so, let’s talk Changes 101. We have, once again, entered another energy shift (which has me a bit hyper today) and we all know...
New Boundaries to Set
For the past two weeks I have received phone calls, emails and texts about experiences amping up with ghost sightings as well as seeing “uckies” (demons, man-made golems – aka shadow beings), attachments and other-world beings. On the surface it may appear that the...
Weird Energy
For three nights I tossed and turned. Noises, noises, noises. I was really annoyed – all day long I kept hearing planes flying overhead. I had trouble getting to sleep – so many loud noises. I run a fan at night for white noise, but the planes drowned that out. I was...
Body, Mind and Spirit
I have recently being doing some research and discovered that I do know a lot and there is a lot I don’t know. The history of the United States – and the world – is not what we were taught for the last forty to fifty years. It was, however, the accepted edited history...
Depths and Layers
I try to share what I and others are experiencing so perhaps one person won’t feel so alone on their fantastic life journey. The following is some of what it happening now. Old emotions purging Health issues (again) having to be dealt with Even more vivid dreams...
Free Falling Failure? Part Two
Part One Here Part Two Can’t Shield (Feel, Sense Energy) Perhaps what is happening here is you are trying too hard. When our energy (frequency, vibration) was lower, we felt the shift when we shielded or channeled energy (such as healing energy); but as our energy...
Free Falling Failure? Part One
Part One “I feel like I am invisible to others.” “I feel no one is hearing me.” “I can’t seem to shield”…(or feel, sense, access energy)…”like hitting a brick wall.” “No sense of direction”’; “Can’t find a job”; “Don’t know my purpose and am frustrated”; “…feel like a...
At Peace
In an already vulnerable state – I had read, listened and watched. It was too much I pulled away The sounds hurt me. The sounds of anger, greed, injustice, deceit, etc. My being was raw and bleeding from the exposure. It hurt, deep within; cells cringing at the...
We Are Here
The pull to write was very strong…but as I sat to write, nothing popped into my head. Usually the pull to write is followed by a concept, idea, experience, observation, etc. that my team brings to my attention to write about. And here I sat…nothing. I got up and got...
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