The New Cycle

The Mayan calendar (widely believed) ended December 21, 2012 – the end of the last cycle. Many feared what the end of the calendar meant…and many leaned towards “the end of the world”. Perhaps it really was just all about the end of the “Twinkie”. But seriously, as I...

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Life Force

Live foods are those which carry light – a life force; most common accepted are animals (red meats, seafood, fish, poultry). I quit eating animal protein many years ago – but to be honest, it was only because of health problems; I had really loved my seafood...

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Step Forward With Love

My past lives (most connected to this lifetime and have very clear memories) - I was Jewish and tormented to death in a German concentration camp. I was a Native American who watched her child die on the death march. In this lifetime: My mitochondrial DNA says my...

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Something Happened Lastnight

Something Happened Lastnight Something happened lastnight; I feel changed somehow. The weather kept waking me after I went to bed So it wasn’t a solid sleep… I tossed and turned too. Something happened lastnight and I feel changed somehow. I tried to meditate today to...

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World Wide Phenomenon

My writings are usually based on what I have seen or experienced; or what I have seen or heard others experience. But what you may not know is that my team prompts me to write and/or share those with you. My team may also show me a scenario to aid me in trying to draw...

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Distant Tears

I hear the sound of distant tears falling so far away. The doubt, the fears and loneliness of being so far away. I ask that you do not despair… you are only a thought away. No regrets, or second guessing - they only get in the way. Stand tall and then step forward -...

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Spectator Sport

They gather around excited to bear witness to this game. Whispering, speculating perhaps betting on what happens next…. in this Spectator Sport. More and more arrive even some re-uniting going on… All while the “star” sits; watching, thinking and waiting. Some...

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I have been in hermit-mode; cocooning self to heal and re-balance after coming out of the other side*. I couldn’t “see” for self much while going through this journey, so am now able to start looking to see some of the how’s and why’s (isn’t hindsight wonderful?). I...

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The Gardener

Dreams, as many of you know, are becoming more intense, detailed and graphic; usually incorporating some lesson to be learned or view to be understood. Below is one such dream story. The Gardener Marissa was an unassuming type of person…if you saw her on the sidewalk,...

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WE Are the Zombies

We Are the Zombies I had a dream. A restless dark dream. A telling dream. For years I begged people to pay attention… To take responsibility. The words mainly unheard. I had a dream… a telling dream. People ignored the horrors building around them… People waited for...

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