Heaviness and Helplessness

Your Meta-Question Q: Recently, my filter towards the animals, earth and now added oceanic creatures including the water have become very very strong, too strong for comfort.What to do with it? I have been meditating and sending love & healing requesting help from...

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I Can Feel the Darkness

Some Lightworkers, energy workers, etc. have been feeling uncomfortable for a while now. We have – in a previous post – talked about how some workers are having problems trusting people because of their words and/or actions are not the same as their energy and...

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Appreciate the Journey

by Linda Aragon The physical is not a smooth environment. There are moments in every life that are disruptive.   It is easy to become over involved with the dramas, and thus forgetting the relationship with one’s own soul.  Realize that no matter what the circumstance...

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Looking for Happiness

Are you happy, or are you looking for happiness? Do you think happiness is “just around the corner”? Or do you think you’ll finally be happy when (fill in the blanks where appropriate): I accomplish/reach ______________ I have enough money to ______________ Somebody...

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Many people are working on breaking away from – or in some cases rebelling against – the perceptions others have of you. Each person has a perception of who you are, and they hold that perception-mask up between themselves and you. When you (dare to!) step outside of...

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Your Own Monsters

by Jan Toomer My husband and I took a working vacation – we caught up with some of the projects needing completion around the house and yard. I also took an evening for my October tradition. Each October, I try to catch at least on of the new “classics”… Hocus Pocus...

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Hard to Stay Focused and Tying Up Loose Ends

Q. I am having a spacey day. I am finding it hard to stay focused. I missed a familiar turn twice today. I don't know if I am the only one or not. I have also been feeling the need to tie up loose ends, finish up projects, and keep up with the routine business like...

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Everything Happens For A Reason

by Linda Aragon Think about it, we are all learning, growing, changing, maturing, and becoming better people all the time…whoa…is that by accident?  The concept of “Everything happens for a Reason” can be difficult for many to embrace but I promise you, once you open...

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Our Own Worst Critic

by Jan Toomer I know we are usually our own worst critic…our ego-voice* working to undermine our forward movement and growth. And, just when I thought I and my ego-voice had come to terms, I allowed myself to become blindsided. I’ve not written much lately – like you...

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Boot Camp!

by Jan Toomer We have entered another phase of our self growth – this one may be a little disconcerting. I have been approached by a few people this week…and can include myself in this as well...so am going to share some of the experiences and my interpretation of...

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