Symptoms of Inner Peace
by Linda Aragon In my recent article on Happiness, I ended on a note stating Happiness is yours when you have found Inner Peace. Well, what exactly is Inner Peace? Inner peace (or peace of mind) refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with...
These Choices are Yours
by Jan Toomer I used to read a sci-fi series that had Black, White and Gray mage-types. White mages served all in Light; worked to do no harm to others. Black mages served self-interests only and didn’t care who, or how, they harmed others to get what they wanted....
Your Meta-Question: Q: My stress levels have been thru the roof for the last week. Also the general violence occurring has hit too close to home. I have spent the last week dealing with the police on a homicide that occurred nearby. I haven’t been able to accurately...
Accepted the Crystalline
by Jan Toomer I looked around and saw so many different beings – many I recognized on some level, but it hadn’t made it to my conscious mind. A bald cobalt-blue man stood before me. He wore a cream-colored ceremonial robe and held a crystalline staff which was about 5...
Multiple Questions
Your Meta-Question Q. I have had these feelings since I was younger and it scares me to know that I might be connected to the dead somehow. I sense things suddenly don't feel alone when I know that I am. Dark black spots what I think is a fly flying around! Closed...
Do Animals See Their Humans…
Your Meta Question: Q. Do animals see their humans or do they see their owner’s other “facets?” “Other facets” = Humans have an earth body and an energetic body, but we also carry our preferred origins energetic body. If your preferred planet for soul/spiritual growth...
Birthing Pains
by Jan Toomer I had trouble with this week’s article; what uplifting message could I produce when right now I am soul deep tired? I know, it’s not all about me – and a lot of the Lightworkers are feeling this way right now. If you have ever given birth in this...
Patience is the Word
by Jan Toomer As many of you know, Mercury finally went direct on the 9th...but we still didn’t move forward – many still felt stuck in place, yet driven to work to move on, all the while being so weirdly danged busy (I know, contradictions, right?). As of the 13th,...
The Tornado
by Jan Toomer The following is a vision of a vision – just thought I’d share the story. She had been feeling a distant upset or turmoil in the air all morning and decided it was time to explore…to find out what she was sensing. She sat on the couch and closed her...
Live in Compassion
by Jan Toomer Animals are working hard to get their message across to humans. Since the human race – as a whole – has worked to raise the species vibrations, the animals are hopeful and physically showing and teaching us compassion; they had been doing this all along,...
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