
by Linda Aragon We all just want to be “Happy” – isn’t that the truth? Seems so simple, but what does that mean…how do you define “Happiness”?  Have you ever heard the expression – “I worked my entire life to climb the wall of success, only to find I was on the wrong...

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The Time of the Lizard

by Jan Toomer Lizard has been showing up repeatedly over the last two weeks. Granted, it is the season for lizards – but is it the time of the Lizards? I believe so. Looking up animal totems, Lizard’s main messages are: Listen to yourself Pay attention to subtle...

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Anchors Away!

by Jan Toomer Exhausted – Tired – Worn Out These seem to be the new buzz words in describing how people are feeling. Physically Exhausted Many report that they are sleeping at night – some sleeping longer than what is usual for them – yet feeling exhausted when they...

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Kindred Soul

Kindred Soul When I look into your eyes, I see that you are who you are - there are no pretenses - no lying about who you are I see sorrow for the earth and its inhabitants I see hope for earth and its inhabitants I see peace and energetic beauty I see a desire for...

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All That Confusion

by Jan Toomer Conflicting Thoughts, Words and Actions From Others This has been a theme for a while, but is really hitting home to many of us now. Someone tells you something, only to say something the next hour/day/week that conflicts with what they had originally...

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Life Purpose

by Linda Aragon As a Holistic Life Coach, one of the most often asked questions I receive is “How do I know what my Life Purpose is?”  Some seem born with a sense of what they are to accomplish here, others struggle years to answer this question.  Although it may seem...

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I Am Not My Ancestors

by Jan Toomer As we – each year - celebrate the American holiday of July 4th – Independence Day – I often look back over the history that was taught and the hidden history of the US of A. Don’t get me wrong – I am grateful for the US of America and, to date, happy to...

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Scorpion Messenger

by Jan Toomer This new energy shift has brought some very interesting experiences for me. With a couple of these experiences, I had an aggressive reaction. This reaction surprised me, and I spent quite a few hours working out why I reacted the way I did. When I...

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The Power of “I Am” Statements

by Linda Aragon Most of us accept the concept of “We create our own reality”, even if we don’t fully understand what this statement means.  There is much depth to the power of your thoughts and words. “I AM” statements have a lot to do with our manifestations.  Notice...

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June 19, 2012

by Jan Toomer A new energy shift is beginning sometime between June 20 and June 27th. What Can You Expect? Anger Sorrow Grief Frustration Fear Annoyance Agitation Etc. Yes, more of this. This “push” is a bit stronger than the last – but (my thoughts) it is because...

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