Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2024
2023 seemed, to me, to go by so fast! And here we are in 2024. May you find inspiration as well as new information in these newsletters and may they assist you on your journey. These newsletters are a mixed bag of metaphysical, spiritual, paranormal and of-interest...
A Breather
As the end of November creeps closer you may feel…relieved, expanded, and/or lightened energy. Can you feel it? The Forerunners Also called the path-makers, the way-showers, the ground crew, etc. These are the Lightworkers, energy workers and the like who have been...
It’s All in the Heart
Humans have lived from the brain, ego, and in fear for a very long time. Now we’re transitioning to moving into and living from the heart. This transition may be a little rocky until we adjust; we may occasionally feel emotionally sensitive. What does that look and...
Tech Detox
We went to the hot springs for a few days. Hubby suggested I needed to relax. I told him I wasn’t sure if I would be able to. I asked my team to help me unwind, unplug, rejuvenate and have time to write to finish my third book. When we got to the hot springs and...
Energy Update – October 15, 2023
~ Prickly – Argumentative ~ Wow! The energies we just traversed the last 14 days had been intense. Headaches, insomnia/exhaustion, digestive issues, crying / weeping / teary-eyed, as well as reminiscing the past again. But this coming week is going to be a bit bumpy...
These Great Times
Okay, I know a lot seems to have kind of gone sideways; I get that. Well, yeah, we’re feeling pretty tired. Sure, it appears that world has gone bonkers. Yeah, it sometimes feels like we’re living in the old lawless west where it’s a free-for-all. Isn’t it great? No,...
It’s Not Your Decision – It’s Their Decision
A few years ago my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He spoke at length with his doctor and then he dug into and researched alternatives. He decided on Immunotherapy (a form of chemotherapy). As he was well into his treatments, someone asked me, “How could you let...
Not All Poltergeist-Like Activity is Caused by a Ghost
Not all paranormal poltergeist-like activity is caused by a ghost; there may be something else going on. There are different “feels” of a house or home. I don’t mean how one decorated their home. What I’m talking about is the mood of the actual structure. There are...
Energy Update – September 18, 2023
~ Being Triggered ~ I was having multiple surgeries in my mouth (in the same spot) so, yet another day of hoping we were done, I went in for a follow up appointment. When the doctor walked into the room, my heart sped up and my palms were instantly coated in...
A Birthday Gift
When I wake up in the morning, and before leaving my bed, I connect to, and greet my Team. This is part of my morning ritual, if you will, to make a conscious effort to connect with them. On my birthday, I connected with my Team as usual…except this time was...
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