Honoring Self
by Jan Toomer I work hard to honor others life paths – but lately, I haven’t been honoring mine – I haven’t been honoring self. The summer months are usually, for me, catch up time and time to do what I have been wanting to do (weeding, studying something new,...
And Some Dance With Delight
by Jan Toomer As time progresses, I see the patterns that people are weaving for their lives. We each dance, move, mold and create with the energy to make our own tomorrows. Some are not so pleasantly surprised when their self-created tomorrows come… And some dance...
Once More
by Jan Toomer Every morning I awaken to music – sweet etheric, not from here music. Music that calls to my core – the very essence of my being. A feeling of familiarity – slightly out of reach – aches within me. The day breaks - I cover my head hoping to stay and...
The Way of the Deceivers
by Jan Toomer We are now entering the time where truths are being revealed – more and more every day. The following article talks about those who deceive – those who use others to “pay their way”: milking them for money; stroking their egos, to assure they will stay...
Introducing the Concept of Twin Flames
by Voluptuous Witchywoman About a year ago strolling through the mall, I walked several step past this man. Not necessarily seeing him visually. I felt his energy, I knew him. I turn and approached him, it’s you. He responded “yes, it’s me”. Sometime after, I had...
Get Lost in the Dance
by Dragon Spirit As I sat on the porch enjoying the beautiful evening, I settled into a short meditation. Whether it was the assistance of the Venus transit or just time, I don’t know. What I do know, is what happened next. As I began to visualize all those whom I...
June 7 2012
by Jan Toomer This shift, now into day three for me, has been a bit different. Symptoms: Crankiness/less tolerant of negative energies or behaviors A buzz or hum in head area (not physical); for me, signifying downloading and receiving massive information into my...
Energy Alerts Intro
by Jan Toomer Please remember: Not everyone experiences this. There is nothing "wrong" with you if you do - or do not - experience these shifts/shift symptoms. Also, some people sail through without feeling/noticing anything. Those who do experience it may not...
Being Haunted
I grew up seeing ghosts, angelic beings and other dimension beings and I have “spoken” with them; this time I was being haunted…of course, there were unusual circumstances surrounding this contact. This earthbound (aka “ghost”) had helped me with something (innocuous)...
A Dog’s Journey by W.B. Cameron
Review by Linda Aragon A DOG’S JOURNEY: Another Novel for Humans by W. Bruce Cameron. Forge Books; First Edition (May 8, 2012). ISBN 978-0765330536. Some of you may remember my previous book review by this author, called “A DOG’S PURPOSE”. Absolutely one of the best...
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