Bit of a Breather
Many people have noticed a change since the last shift (the eclipse) – for some it was a gradual, subtle shift; others, more immediately noticeable following the eclipse. It seems we’ve been given a bit of a breather…but it is really so much more. Some of the possible...
Parts of One
by Jan Toomer (When I was a very young adult): I had taken a deep breath, closed my eyes and began my meditation. I saw before me beautiful marble steps leading up to a large white marble building…one of my favorite places to “visit”. I would walk up the smooth marble...
If it Were Me
by Dragon Spirit First I’d like to say that this is in no way a slam, stab or rub against any group, person or entity of any kind. It is simply my opinion and something I’d like everyone to think about seriously. I do not claim to be of any particular faith, church or...
Hanging on to Old Energy
by Jan Toomer Some people seem to have gotten stuck – they are hanging on to old energy/ energy patterns and aren’t able to adjust through the energy shifts. If you are stuck, this is a message to you that you still have some personal business to attend to before...
Fear to Focus
by Jan Toomer For well over 25 years I have taught/encouraged people to shield. I continue to recommend the shielding exercise (or a protection technique) daily. Shielding helps keep us from absorbing others energies; aids in deflecting negative energy sent our way...
Raise Your Vibration
by Linda Aragon I hope by this time, you are all familiar with the Spiritual Meetings taking place here in Las Cruces…If you have any questions or would like to join us, please contact me – information below. I gave a presentation at a recent Spiritual Meeting on ways...
I Am
by Dragon Spirit I am the wind in your face The color of space I make your heart race I am the raging storm The lover torn Power, fear, love and hate I hold in my hands many fates I sit quietly in wait Hoping soon you’ll open your heart To receive the wisdom I may...
Grief Wave
by Jan Toomer Boundaries gone Time not linear Pasts & present Entwining Rejoicing and re-uniting All griefs also joined Sorrows multiplied Breathe Bless Release US Friday brought a very interesting wave…a grief wave (or sorrow). Because – energy-wise - of our...
Why Can’t I Manifest?
(These questions were similar, so were brought together here.) Q(a): We are into instant manifestation, so why aren’t my humble personal requests being manifested? Q(b): Why can’t I manifest? Channeled by Tracy Gohrick: The time is right for you to make requests. The...
The Answers are Within You
by Jan Toomer Yeah, I know…you’ve heard this before…very “new age-y”, right? But the saying doesn’t tell you diddley-squat – or does it? Did You Know? We are magnificent beings! We can do much more than we give ourselves credit for. We are so much more than a...
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