Duality, Oneness and All That Is
Q: What does duality to One-ness and All That Is mean? Channeled by Tracy Gohrick Duality to Oneness: It is the separation and the essence coming together to make one whole. All That Is: Is the giving of oneself to help humanity for the prosperity of the uniqueness of...
Twin Flames
Channeled by Tracy Gohrick 4/11/12 There is quite a bit of information on the internet about twin flames and how people are looking for their twin flame. In my research I have found that Twin flames are not always meant to be together in fact a lot of the time when...
Stretching and Creating
by Jan Toomer A recent Spiritual Message I recently received from a channeler challenged me…which was exciting to me. One part “spoke” about pushing past the limits of what I know. I began looking at my energy patterns, my beliefs and my self-imposed limitations....
Birthing Past Lives
Narrated by ego by Voluptuous Witchywoman Daily movement in progress; my motto has been in my mind two steps forward one step back (could be the dyslexia kicking in) never-the-less, movement. Things had become stagnant in my life once again; the need to push myself...
April 1st Brought New Energy
by Jan Toomer April 1st brought new energy in to us, which many of us really began feeling – physically - on Monday. I awoke feeling tired and off-kilt on Monday; I noticed a disturbance in Earth’s energy and in my energy. I realized that fighting the new energy –...
Alternative Healing Session
The following is my interpretation of my own experience and my own frustrations, (alternative healings are not to be substituted for medical professional care – please check with your reliable medical health practitioner). I think the universe is testing my sense of...
Your Wake Up Call
(Channeled by) Jan Toomer The following was a message brought in for a newly awakened Lightworker; the information is being shared here for others who are working to remember who they are and what they are supposed to be doing. “When you started “seeing” 11:11, it was...
Energy Abuse on the Rise
by Jan Toomer Clearing up the past Listening to self Knowing your self, knowing your energy Why is it so important? Clearing Up the Past Our unfinished past (individually) weighs us down – we can move forward more quickly once past is healed and the weight is removed....
First Steps
by Anthony Preman For many months now, if not a year plus, I have been avoiding writing. I have not just avoided writing, I have been avoiding many of the foundational components of what comprises, “Me.” When I have the conversations with myself that I seem to have...
Find the Balance
by Jan Toomer As we progress energetically, many are feeling overwhelmed, out of balance or frustrated; some are getting panicky. Some of what I have been seeing or hearing from others is: 1. Some who are coming into their own abilities (as per their soul growth) do...
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