Becoming One Reality, Part One

by Jan Toomer Part One This article does not in any way, shape or form replace medical advice – I am not a medical doctor and always recommend seeking professional medical attention for any health concerns, physical or mental. We talked about “Third Dimentia” where...

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Tremendous Growth

by Jan Toomer The new year has arrived - a clean slate - new beginnings - new possibilities. When I made my first venture, of the New Year, into town, I noticed a few things: 1.    People’s energies are different - Many people are showing brighter and clearer energies...

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Our Guides have a Sense of Humor!

by Linda Aragon My Spiritual Meetings here in Las Cruces are on hold as I’m getting prepared to undergo multiple major surgeries.  Keeping fear and anxiety at bay is proving to be challenging. When I ask myself what am I afraid of, it’s not dying (though I feel...

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The Green Thing

Author Unknown Checking out at the grocery store recently, the young cashier suggested I should bring my own grocery bags because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. I apologized and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days." The...

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Greeting 2012

by Jan Toomer As we approach the ending of 2011, I look back through my personal past year and see the growth accomplished not only for myself, but those close to me as well. Granted, the journey wasn’t always easy through 2011, but it was definitely interesting!...

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Ride on the Wing of the Eagle by Sheila Griffin

Ride on the Wing of the Eagle….Viewing life from a higher perspective by Sheila Griffin. © 1998. Mystic Moon Publishing. ISBN 0-9659346-8-3. Like a lot of us, Sheila Griffin grew up with fears. When Griffin moved to Boulder, CO, she met a Native American woman who...

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Lifetimes Within Lifetimes

by Jan Toomer We are each experiencing death and growth, and in varying degrees from new skin cells to losing eyelashes to the death of old beliefs and/or ideals – to new growth of the same; lifetimes within lifetimes. The infant you gave way to the toddler you – and...

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Two Metaphysical Messages from My Experiences

by Peter Perkins I did want to share a few things though since they touch on the Metaphysical and I seriously believe they were meant for more than just myself. We really are manifesting things faster. I went with my stepfather to Carlsbad to share the driving duties....

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Why Bother?

by Jan Toomer I am hearing from a few people about the turmoil felt within some families right now. In 2001, families dealt with kids who felt that they could no longer see a future for themselves. The destruction of the Twin Towers blew away the feelings of hope and...

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