The Illusion of Self
by Jan Toomer Illusion discovered the cracks had begun What lays beneath them? Afraid to know. The illusion of self – had held for so long – Shattered into a million pieces. Anger and tears arise – vying for the spot. Validation please of self long past. Fractured...
Paranormal Realm Awakening
This article is addressing some of the questions currently coming my way – mainly because we have had a rather large spike in paranormal activity. I hope you find it helpful. Paranormal Realm Awakening Ever see a science fiction show where someone was dabbling with...
Sandpaper Sheet on Rocky Ground
by Jan Toomer Okay, Mercury went retrograde the 24th of Nov. (goes direct Dec 13 or 14th) and holidays have begun and are both stressful. However, something more is going on and it’s making people cranky, with possibly being accompanied by the feeling that nothing is...
Thin and Reorganize
by Jan Toomer Like there isn’t enough going on – we, the human race – have entered another phase…thin and reorganize phase. What is that? Thinning out / removing from your life people that no longer are harmonious, in balance and/or supportive in your life; thinning...
Deceiver Revealed
by Jan Toomer The words that were spoken were farthest from truth – masked behind a mantle well-worn and bedraggled. The deceiver began in a frame of light – but soon was to twist and darken, and then hide it behind a smile. The dark over ran – the illusions...
Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2010
2010 Archived Reality Undefined Newsletters Metaphysical, spiritual and of-interest articles, poetry, prose, events. Please make sure your Adobe Reader is updated to read these pdf’s. If you don’t have it, Adobe Reader ( is free to...
Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2011
Newsletters for 2011 Metaphysical, spiritual and of-interest articles, poetry, prose, events. Please make sure your Adobe Reader is updated to read these pdf's. If you don't have it, Adobe Reader ( is free to download (you assume all...
Post 11-11-11
by Jan Toomer We had heard all the talks, speculations and fears as 11/11/11 approached. Many waited with trepidation for whatever was to transpire. We had, on 11/11/11, worked as a group consciousness to help raise the energies of all beings on these dimensions which...
11-11-11 What Does It Mean?
by Jan Toomer 11-11-11 (Nov. 11, 2011) I am hearing this question a lot – and tomorrow’s the day! I am feeling excited – like the eve before a holiday. I am feeling nervousness – will I like what transpires? Did I have too big expectations? Speaking of expectations,...
Reality Undefined Newsletters – 2009
Reality Undefined Archived Newsletters for 2009 Metaphysical, spiritual and of-interest articles, poetry, prose, events. Please make sure your Adobe Reader is updated to read these pdf's. If you don't have it, Adobe Reader ( is free to...
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