The 28ths Transitions and Transformations
by Jan Toomer A lot has transpired this past week, not just for me, but others as well. I spoke with two other friends (unknown to one another) who began major changes this week. I don’t mean like spring cleaning or getting a haircut – I do mean a major life change...
It Is Time, Take Responsibility
We all have our comfort habits – you know, the things you do to relieve anxiety, tension, frustration? I have a few different activities to assist me; the one I use if I am frustrated with my metaphysical/spiritual work is to (don’t laugh) put on my original (and now...
Complementary, Not Competitive
by Jan Toomer How many of you have seen the movie “Miracle on 34th Street”? One theme in that movie has to do with doing the right thing; if you are not able to provide someone with what they are looking for or what they need, you send them to someone who can help;...
Something Major?
Many of us have heard that “something major” is happening soon. Some say it will happen at the end of October, others say in November. I have been asked a lot of questions, some of which is listed below: What is going to happen? Where is this going to take place? Do I...
There I Am!
by Jan Toomer Who Are You? I don’t mean, for example, Jan the metaphysician/ the wife/ the energy worker / the mother / the friend, etc. I mean the essence, the soul, the energy that has been, in this lifetime, named Jan. At this time you need to know your energy,...
Yesterday’s Child – Today’s Adult
by Jan Toomer The following was written many years ago, and never shared...the pain was still too fresh for all of us. Today, I share it with you. America was built on pride, honor, compassion, hope and strength. On 9/11/01, American’s of all ages watched in horror as...
State of Temporary Confusion
by Jan Toomer This past week has been…interesting. Oddities, weird behaviors, etc. seemed to be the theme – which has carried on into this week so far. Police sirens sang throughout the week; disharmony wove its way through the streets. Some people drove the wrong way...
In Compassion
by Jan Toomer The last week or so has presented an ongoing theme for me: compassion and compassion in the midst of turmoil and chaos. The word “compassion”, and the lessons involved with it, had popped up again and again. I realized that it is a bit difficult to live...
Emissary of Love by James Twyman
Emissary of Love: The Psychic Children Speak to the World by James Twyman. © 2002, Hampton Roads Publishing Co Inc. ISBN 978-1-57174-323-7. The author James Twyman, also known as the Peace Troubadour, was eating breakfast and watching birds when he noticed his spoon...
Keeping an Eye on Your Emotions
by Jan Toomer Okay, I’ll admit it…I can get cranky; I do have my moments. When these moments occur, it’s because I am out of whack; overtired; stressed; etc. And yes…it’s my responsibility to take care of myself and stay well rested, schedule things to keep from...
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