Keeping an Eye on Your Emotions

by Jan Toomer Okay, I’ll admit it…I can get cranky; I do have my moments. When these moments occur, it’s because I am out of whack; overtired; stressed; etc. And yes…it’s my responsibility to take care of myself and stay well rested, schedule things to keep from...

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Feeling Invisible

by Jan Toomer During a recent discussion, one person said she was feeling invisible – people were walking into her as though she wasn’t there. This has been happening to me off and on since the 1980’s…and you know me, I had to look for the patterns and/or cycle – so I...

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Metaphysical Shorthand

by Jan Toomer Receiving information from guides, higher selves, or memory-energy can come in the form of: A flash of a picture A short mental video A symbol A dream A feeling A sudden knowing Etc. In other words, metaphysical shorthand; unfortunately, there is no 100%...

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Third Dimentia

by Jan Toomer Slightly off kilt; ishcombibbled; tired; and losing things. I’m pretty sure that you have each experienced this in the past – and am betting you are beginning to experience it a quite bit more often now. I am calling it “Third Dimentia”. We are currently...

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The Truth Is You

by Ike Treviño So, if the world is ending soon, (it is ending, right?), then why is the U.S. American society more concerned about the most trivial gossip regarding celebrities and politician's lives? Oh, and don’t forget our massive interest in the unrealistic...

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Eaglet Jan

by Jan Toomer I stood before Ike; arms stretched out to my sides and closed my eyes as Ike began. Twelve eagles soared above me. One after another, they swooped down between Ike and me. An Eagle – larger than human size – landed behind Ike; it spoke to me, “You are...

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7 Myths About Spiritual Awakening

by Melody Larson Many have misconceptions about spiritual awakening. They believe that enlightenment means reaching a perfected, almost non-human state. Yet today, living your life as a spiritually awakened person does not mean discarding the robes of your humanity....

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Super Psychic Kids

by Keith Varnum Amazing Powers of New Children In increasing numbers every year, "New Children" are being born around the world who have "x-ray" vision, move objects through the air with their minds, and know the future. And these abilities are just the tip of the...

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The Missing Golden Rule

I recently wrote that people are “no longer willing to be paid to be miserable, unhappy, stressed out, etc…” (Following Your Passion). I have personally found that I am also no longer willing to pay someone to treat me unkindly, disrespectfully or apathetically ; this...

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Are We There Yet?

by Jan Toomer Reminiscent of traveling in the car with kids – I too have the impatient chorus of “Are We There Yet?” playing over and over in my head. Many of us feel very weary…oh so tired…right now; perhaps feeling like we’ve been trudging uphill, through molasses, ...

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