by Jan Toomer I have been hearing from some people that they are stuck, not sure which way to turn; not sure which is the right decision to make. So what happens is that when a half-hearted or hesitant decision is made - nothing goes forward – or – everything goes...
The Light Shall Set You Free by Dr. N. Milanovich and Dr. S. McCune
The Light Shall Set You Free by Dr. N. Milanovich and Dr. S. McCune. © 1996. Athena Publishing. ISBN 0-9627417-7-9. Most of the information in this book, as per the authors, is channeled from the Ascended Masters: El Moya Kuthumi Pallas Athena Sananda St. Germain...
Solar Flares Do Affect Us
by Jan Toomer I received word from quite a few people yesterday that they experienced going from feeling fine or wonderful to being slammed – drained of energy, body reacting with soreness or aching, foggy mind, sluggishness or inability to concentrate. Some...
Creating the New
by Jan Toomer Sometime prior to 2006, I had received the message that there were – at that time – one thousand people, world-wide, who were working on specialty training. This training was of energy work previously unknown to humankind. The training was difficult, and...
Release the Dragons
by Jan Toomer For as long as I can remember, I have felt another aspect of self arise when an animal, child or friend is threatened. I felt a part of me awaken fully and step away from my physical body…as it stepped away, it grew in size. It is the dragon aspect. No,...
Channeling by Kathryn Ridall
Channeling: How to Reach Out to Your Spirit Guides by Kathryn Ridall, PhD. © 1988. Bantam Book. ISBN 0-553-27181-4. Ridall opens with her first experience seeing a trance channeler and then brings the reader through her experiences of her own channelings. She...
Awaken and Remember
by Jan Toomer It is now time to claim that which is rightfully ours. It is time to give ourselves permission to remember why we are here; to remember that we are - each and everyone - connected to: everyone and everything on Earth; everyone and everything beyond...
Lower Vibrational Attributes
by Jan Toomer Deception and victim roles - these lower vibrational attributes are becoming passé. For those of you who always blame, or hint at blaming, others for what’s happening in your life…that time is coming to an end. For those of you who have skated by in life...
Paranormal State by Ryan Buell
Paranormal State by Ryan Buell and Stefan Petrucha. © 2010. HarperCollins (A&E Television Networks LLC). ISBN 978-0-06-176794-4. Ryan Buell of the popular A&E television show “Paranormal State” discusses some of the cases that he and his paranormal...
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