Paranormal State by Ryan Buell
Paranormal State by Ryan Buell and Stefan Petrucha. © 2010. HarperCollins (A&E Television Networks LLC). ISBN 978-0-06-176794-4. Ryan Buell of the popular A&E television show “Paranormal State” discusses some of the cases that he and his paranormal...
“The Power of Words”
The Power of Words Absolutely wonderful video - was sent to me in email - and I would like to share with you. Please share it.
Prickly Surges
by Jan Toomer This week I had a call from a friend who shared with me her recent experiences; as she began to describe her experiences, I knew exactly what she was talking about. About 4-6 months ago, I went through an unusual experience…every time I witnessed, or...
State of the World, State of My Mind – Pt II
Part I by Peter Perkins The first part of the article I spoke of the world at large and how the massive changes both in the planet and society are taking place. This part I am going to focus on America. We have not been spared here in America the same changes that are...
Chaos in Relationships
by Jan Toomer Chaos in relationships…how much before it becomes “Enough!”? I’ve given this a lot of thought recently. I believe relationships are: what is between you and at least one other; the energy you invest – and it's reciprocation - between self and: Spouse...
State of the World, State of My Mind – Pt I
by Peter Perkins It has been a long while since I have last written for the blog, and I was reminded by a dear friend that all the thoughts I have been dwelling on concerning the state of the world as well as America itself may be of interest to others. I’ve been...
A Dog’s Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron
by Linda Aragon A Dog's Purpose: A Novel for Humans by W. Bruce Cameron. Forge Books; (C) First Edition edition July 6, 2010. ISBN 978-0765326263. This book is an enduring story of a dog’s journey through several lifetimes with the mission of discovering his Life...
Don’t Shoot the Messenger
by Jan Toomer “Did you know that this hurricane was going to happen?”; “Why didn’t you tell me I was going to lose my job?”; etc….I was asked in an accusatory tone. I am asked this a lot, but you can substitute the word ‘hurricane’ or ‘job’ with any other word(s) of...
Cranky and Mixed Energies – Part II
Part I But It Doesn’t End There Appetites are increasing – the human body needs a bit extra to keep up with the energy shifts. Exhaustion - our bodies are requesting more sleep right now. Sensitivities have increased – our physical senses, as well as our abilities,...
Cranky and Mixed Energies – Part I
The Word for the Week “Cranky” seems to have been the word for the past weeks and will be the word probably for the rest of this month. We are cranky; easily agitated and/or wanting to withdraw right now. Noises, feeling like too much coming at you, disharmony, etc....
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