Energy Update – August 21, 2023
~ Training Wheels Are Coming Off ~ As the energies amp us to help us (our physical bodies; emotional traumas that are still hidden within our bodies; our energy fields, etc.), we are feeling worn-out, and some may even be questioning their decision to have carnated...
Speak Your Truth
Your truths are yours. My truths are mine. Sometimes they overlap – and sometimes they don’t. But, it still remains: Your truths are yours. My truths are mine. Why am I bringing this up? For a few reasons, but for today it was because I was recently asked why I allow...
Don’t Try So Hard
When we push, we are working from a place of fear. I’ll be too late Others will get ‘there’ first I’ll be left behind Others are ‘ascending’ faster than me There are also those who are trying so hard to create, manifest, or amp up their abilities. My advice? Don’t try...
Interacting with Other Frequencies
How are we able to be considered living in 4D (fourth dimension) and still interact with 3D (third dimension)? Just a reminder: Moving from 3D into 4 or 5D in a physical body has not been done before on Earth, so there’s no previously written instruction manual. I...
Energy Update – July 16, 2023
~ Emotional Roller Coaster Ride! ~ Holy moly! I really wanted off the roller coaster ride this past week! For me, it started with the Icelandic volcano eruption. Some energetically experienced the Icelandic volcano eruption Monday or Tuesday (depending on where you...
AI or Human Created?
There are a lot of discussions on AI (Artificial Intelligence) and where it may go. One of the questions about AI is how will we be able to tell if something is AI or human created, or a mix? Eventually, and I believe not far off, we may have trouble discerning if a...
How Can I Be Sure?
When I asked my Team, “What should we write about today?” I kept hearing the first two lines to The Young Rascals 1967 song, “How Can I Be Sure”. How can I be sure In a world that’s constantly changing? ~ The Young Rascals ...
I’m Not Worthy
So many people on the planet Earth have this thought or feel this deep within. “I’m not worthy of success/money/happiness.” But I’m here to call, “B.S.!” This feeling or thought is nothing more than programming you accepted/received as you navigated early in this...
Violet Flame of Transmutation Many energy workers had learned about the Violet Flame of Transmutation; sometimes called “sacred fire of transformation” or “violet flame of transformation”. The Violet Flame of Transmutation is said to be brought to us by St. Germain....
Energy Update – June 5, 2023
~ Feeling More ~ So much has been occurring with the energy downloads. Many have been: feeling exhausted (a common place for the ongoing energy upgrades/downloads we’ve been experiencing for a few years now) weepy or teary; easily “moved” digestive upsets or...
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