Lost Thoughts, Part One

After last week’s article (Energy Attacks Occurring) , I have done some exploring; spoke with others and asked others to take a look and offer their theories. First, a big thank you to all of you who helped with this. Secondly, I/we do not have all of the answers. I...

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by Jan Toomer “Seeing” Unformed Thoughts For this particular circumstance, pulsing is used to ‘see’ (or sense) that which normal other-sight / other-knowing may not pick up. After Shielding, concentrate on energy (from the Source) coming in from the top of your head...

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The Matthew Book Series

by Linda Aragon “THE MATTHEW BOOKS” – (Series of 4 books) written by Suzanne Ward. As an avid reader with a passion for Spiritual Studies, I have quite an extensive library.  I conduct Spiritual Meetings and Study Groups, Classes, Talks, etc. on an ongoing basis.  One...

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Energy Attacks Occurring

Reports started coming in about energy attacks occurring from various people across the U.S.: major lethargy depression out of balance feeling out of sorts ungrounded unpleasant visions (not personal) unsettled uneasy irritable/cranky/grumpy feel like moving through...

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Psychic Attack

by Jan Toomer A psychic attack can range from subtle to strong; can come from a physical being (they usually aren’t aware they are doing this) to a non-physical being – and either can create chaos in your life. This does not mean that any little (or big) thing that...

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Writer’s Block

My article is very late this week…I developed a full blown case of writer’s block; no epiphanies, no random topic of interest…no clue! This block baffled me. Sometimes when I got stuck, my cat might toss an idea out (no help this week); my guides may bring up a topic...

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Lily Dale by Christine Wicker

Lily Dale: the true story of the town that talks to the dead by Christine Wicker. © 2003, HarperSanFrancisco. ISBN 0-06-008666-1. Lily Dale has been touted to be the largest spiritualist community in the world. Wicker provided some history of Lily Dale, as well as...

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Not My Sadness

by Jan Toomer I am constantly working on self – and every so often, receive a wonderful breakthrough. In a past article (Broken-hearted), I wrote about working on a heavy and deep-seated sadness within me, and how I found I was sad for humanity; but, there was still...

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A Past Life Regression

by Linda Aragon Recently I took the plunge – for a long time I’ve wanted the experience of a past life regression.  A couple of things held me back- “Fear” of what might come out while under hypnosis, apprehension of its  reality – and  I needed to trust and feel...

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Shift and Shift Again

The energy shifts are getting stronger and occurring more frequently. The pattern recently has been an energy increase/shift around our full moon cycle. Sounds like an old wives tale? It’s not. In the past, nurses I have known, especially those working ER, said they...

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