Shift and Shift Again
The energy shifts are getting stronger and occurring more frequently. The pattern recently has been an energy increase/shift around our full moon cycle. Sounds like an old wives tale? It’s not. In the past, nurses I have known, especially those working ER, said they...
Intuition and Spiritual Growth, Part II
Surrender by Anthony Preman Since the very first time that I realized that I had some sort of intuition, which was probably around the age of 6 or 7, I have wondered why it was that I had this ability. At first, it scared me. I remember being a child and referring...
What Was That?
by Dragon Spirit Holy crap! What was that? Black & white streaking past my sight Laughing and giggling in pure delight. Flash, zip whir and blur. Here we go again! All I see is stripes and such, Hear laughter and giggling, It’s just too much. Where have I seen you...
by Dragon Spirit Pounding, rumbling, howling and growling. Bright light splits the night Flashes of red and yellow delight. Windows are rattling Scared ones are babbling Weird ones are gathering to see the fight. Rumble, stumble, crash and bang. Across the field they...
Talking to Heaven by James Van Praagh
Talking to Heaven: A Medium’s Message of Life After Death by James Van Praagh. © 1997, Dutton. ISBN 0-525-94268-8. Van Praagh began with some of his childhood and young adulthood experiences and continued on to explain about mediums and different type of mediumistic...
How to Love
by Sophia Gubb It seems such a simple question, yet many people do not know how to love. Some people think they do, but have themselves fooled. Other people are beginning to realise that they don’t come up to the standards they hold themselves to. Some of those people...
The Secrets of the Light by Dannion Brinkley
The Secrets of the Light by Dannion Brinkley. ©2008, HarperCollins Publisher (HarperOne). ISBN 978-0061662461. Review by Linda Aragon I would like to present a book review on “The Secrets of the Light” by Dannion Brinkley, and also a recommendation to check out this...
It was 104 degrees outside; my car’s air conditioner worked hard to try to keep the heat at bay. I was driving home when I noticed something in the middle of the hot paved road; I was still too far away to tell what it was, but saw traffic coming and going, passing by...
Coping with Death
by Peter Perkins Recently a member of my family, an aunt of mine died. I spoke to her just a few days ago on my birthday and she was fine. My parents told me the next day that, that night she had suffered a stroke. I processed what they said but it wasn’t till that...
So Many Filters
I have been taking a healing class and have been fascinated. Through this class, I have slowly been removing filters I have placed – over my lifetime – on my abilities. I have had so many filters! What Are Filters? They are what we use to dampen ‘noise’ around us....
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