You Don’t Know Me by Joseph H. Armellino

You Don’t Know Me: Biography of Elwood D. Babbitt. © 1991, FineLine Books (Cosmic Science Foundation). Armellino interviews Elwood Babbitt. Babbitt was born in 1922 and was a Marine set to Guadalcanal and Saipan in WWII. Babbitt (deceased in 2000) was a trance...

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Energy Readers

I was recently describing to a friend a distance reading I had recently received. When the reader began, I saw the reader standing before me. I then felt the reader, as I so eloquently put it, “poking and prodding in my energy”. (It’s not really a poking and prodding...

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Intuition and Spiritual Growth, Part I

What or Whom Are We? by Anthony Preman What does it mean to be a Psychic or an Intuitive?  Or should the question be, “What does it mean to be psychic or intuitive? " When you read the above two questions, you are reading two very different questions.  The first...

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Radical Forgiveness Intro by Linda Aragon

by Linda Aragon When I was first introduced to the concept of Radical Forgiveness, I resonated with it immediately and had an intense knowing that this concept was not only going to prove invaluable for myself, but also would be a focus of my work as I set upon –...

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The Dream Book by Betty Bethards

The Dream Book: Symbols for Self Understanding by Betty Bethards. (original © 1983) this edition, © 2009, NewCentury Publisher. ISBN 978-0-967-9790-1-4. I usually shy away from dream dictionaries since I feel that each person’s symbology, on the whole, is unique to...

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More on Animal Totems

I have been asked to discuss more on Animal totems – not the one(s) we are born with, but the ones that enter throughout our life to bring time appropriate messages. There are a few ways to receive messages from daily (as opposed to lifetime) totems; some suggestions...

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by Jan Toomer Over a year ago, a friend ‘read’ me and said I carry a deep sadness within me. I have felt this for as long as I can remember. The sadness weighs heavily within me. I began digging – peeling layer upon layer. I started with the newest/freshest hurts,...

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There Were Giants Upon the Earth by Zecharia Sitchin

There Were Giants Upon the Earth: Gods, Demigods and Human Ancestry: The Evidence of Alien DNA by Zecharia Sitchin. © 2010, Inner Traditions International. ISBN 978-1-59143-121-3. Utilizing the Bible (which Sitchin also provides some Hebrew words and the English...

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The Spirits Made it in the Picture

Last week an auric photographer was available at the Metaphysical Life Enrichment Center (center now closed), so I made an appointment for Friday afternoon. The last time I had an aura photograph was about four years ago – and that had been my first aura photograph; I...

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Oil Spill and Memories of Another Place

by Peter Perkins I am sure many of you are aware that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a serious threat to the ecology. I remembered holding my breath when the Chinese coal tanker struck the Great Barrier Reef near Australia. I was relieved when it was dealt...

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