Focus and Intent
by Peter Perkins For those who know me, I am able to speak with my angels and they assure me they are always with me. Still sometimes I feel detached or unconnected with my spiritual side. I was in this mental place when I asked my guardian angel why I hadn't had any...
How to Find the Truth in a World of Lies, Part V
Part Five (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) (Part Four) Tests for Truth by Sophia Gubb In this article we're going to talk about the different protocols you can use to evaluate ideas in the process of finding truth. I separate the protocols into neat categories...
Your Meta Questions Intro
I am often asked generalized metaphysical questions or questions about topics from my classes – and have decided to share some here. Please remember that my answers/responses are based on my (or the writing author's) perceptions, beliefs and/or experiences – they may...
Psychic Communication with Animals by Laila del Monte
Psychic Communication with Animals for Health and Healing by Laila del Monte. English, © 2001, Bear and Company. ISBN 978-1-59143-100-8. Laila del Monte, a flamenco dancer, has become an animal communicator and healer. In her book, she relates some experiences with...
Living in Two Worlds
by Dragon Spirit* Living in two worlds is difficult to say the least. One foot in the present and one in the east. Playmates come and playmates go Many of whom you’ll never know. “Lost her marbles,” many would say. I don’t care. I love her anyway. Crazy Cat Lady,...
How to Find the Truth in a World of Lies, Part IV
The Adversary by Sophia Gubb (Part One) (Part Two) (Part Three) Excuse me if the past posts were all about getting rid of things. Destroying belief systems, challenging the comfortable way you look at your mind, getting you to doubt your sense of reality – I know. I...
The Source, Part II
Part II (Part I) What is the Source? A wonderful person asked this question. I have no definitive answer for anyone. I can tell you my interpretation, but please be aware that physical word descriptions are very inadequate to describe the Source. The main Source:...
The Source, Part I
Part One As a child, I was confused by many Sunday school lessons. One such lesson taught us that God (the Source) made us in His image. I looked around the room and concluded, “No way!” Everyone looked, acted, and felt different; everyone’s thoughts and energies were...
Edgar Cayce’s Hidden History of Jesus by Kirk Nelson
Edgar Cayce’s Hidden History of Jesus by Kirk Nelson. © 1995 (8th printing 2007), A.R.E. Press. ISBN 978-0-87604-461-2. Nelson combined biblical passages with, where he could, corresponding Edgar Cayce readings to enhance the entry or to fill in some gaps in the Bible...
Learning New Things
by Peter Perkins This past Thursday the ARE group that I am part of had a speaker talk about crystals. I must admit I don't know a lot about this field. I helped bring things in and got ready for the presentation. The woman who gave the talk on crystals was someone I...
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