Remembering Who You Really Are
If I asked you right now, “Who are you? I mean, who are you really?” how would you answer? As touched on over the years, our first inclination is to respond with labels; labels that we’ve accepted from others or even assigned to ourselves to help us feel like we “fit...
Pardon Me, Your Multidimensionalness is Showing
Yeah, I know, ‘multidimensionalness’ is not really a word, but as you know, I’m not beyond creating a word that I feel fits, so I’m sticking with it. *Grin* Multidimensional First First and foremost, we are spiritual energy beings. We are physical humans second. This...
How Do I Allow?
By acknowledging that others have the right to their life journey without your judgment or criticism*. This, however, doesn’t mean that we accept abuse in any form. Sometimes it’s Hard Sometimes it’s hard to listen to those who wish to complain and yet do nothing to...
Feeling Lighter?
The energies coming in of late have been intense, so much so that it sometimes overloads one of my ears. It’s not painful or long lasting, just intense. But with the intensity, the energy is still carrying a sense of calm, peace and of being supported. With this...
Your Meta Questions – April 10, 2023
~ About Shielding ~ Q. Why do you teach people to shield? Isn’t that promoting fear? A. There are two things I wish everyone knows how to do. 1. Learn at least Reiki 1 (doing Reiki for self). 2. Learn how to shield. When I share something about shielding in my...
Please Do Not Assume
This past week has brought forward an interesting experience. One that confused me at first, but as I took a deeper look, I realized some people who know me assumed something based on one or more posts I shared on social media. One such post was a cute short video on...
It’s Never Too Late
Today’s article comes from an unlikely contributor; one who desperately wants his message to get out. This gentleman had led an angry and violent life and died a violent death in prison. So how can I call him a “gentleman”? Because he is. He’s a very gentle soul who...
Beautiful Gift
Mid-week last week brought an interesting…event, if that’s the right word. There was a shift of energy – energy full of love, hope and support. What’s interesting is…wait; I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me back up. Several months ago, my deceased daughter who is on...
A How-To Guide for 4th Dimension ~ Part Two ~
~ Part One ~ Maneuvering the 4th Dimension, Cont’d Ascending / Awakening / Shifting I’ve been asked so many questions about this topic; is also known as ascending, spiritual awakening, shifting to 4th dimension or 5th dimension, so I’d like address it. What It Is Not...
A How-To Guide for 4th Dimension
~ Part One ~ Congrats on reaching Level 4 in the game of Earth! You’ve survived navigating the extremes of duality in the 3rd Dimension. You’ve started your journey of overcoming the societal programming; are remembering that 3rd Dimension is an illusion; and that the...
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