Anger and Promoting Change
During a phone conversation with Liz, she mentioned a young adult who had a lot of anger; anger at people in general. Anger at people lying; deceit, corruption, the pickle the county is in; and the list goes on. I asked her how old this person is – she said...
Overcoming Ritalin: A Message of Hope
By Peter Perkins As some of you may know I am in touch with my angels. Every once in a while they fill me with a strong desire to write about some topic. I see this as the universes way of saying that this subject may help someone. So I take these impulses seriously...
Empaths and Holidays
Holidays can be difficult for empaths*; emotions vacillate anywhere between highs and lows worldwide and opened empaths can feel this. Emotions can range from excitement building to depression, and it rolls in waves around the world. What does this mean for an opened...
We, the Compound People
By Peter Perkins I have a dream I would like to share with others. I was going over my dreams with a close friend and they told me I should make this dream public; they thought it might help other people. This dream had been going on for a time before I became aware...
Real Life ‘Pay It Forward’
A friend had sent me this link - and I absolutely loved it! A real life 'Pay It Forward'... Mystery Couple Starts "Magical" Chain Reaction - really neat story! What would happen if this went world-wide? 🙂
Why Can’t I See Tomorrow?
We’ve talked a bit about time (‘Time Travel’), parallel lives (‘Parallel Universe Theory’), manifesting (Manifesting) and 2012 (‘2012 and Fear’). How does it all tie together and what does it have to do with ‘Why Can’t I See Tomorrow?’ Let’s break it down a bit: Time...
The Oversoul Seven Trilogy by Jane Roberts
‘The Oversoul Seven Trilogy’ by Jane Roberts. © 1995, Amber-Allen Publishing. ISBN 1-878424-17-3. (Comprised of ‘The Education of Oversoul Seven, © 1973; ‘The Further Education of Oversoul Seven, © 1979; and ‘Oversoul Seven and the Museum of Time, © 1984.) I had...
The Semi-Blind Leading the Blind, Part Two
By Peter Perkins (See Part One) The Semi-Blind Leading the Blind Part Two Spirits When I was young, Spirits were visible just like you might look around a crowded mall and see people. I was able to see them though they were faded, ephemeral. They lacked substance and...
Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven by Suzanne Ward
'Matthew, Tell Me About Heaven' by Suzanne Ward. (C) Suzanne Ward 2001, Published by Matthew Books, ISBN 0-9717875-1-4. Review by Peter Perkins This book is one in which Suzanne Ward channels her deceased son Matthew's spirit. It is a series of question and answers in...
A Video Review – ‘The Living Matrix’
‘The Living Matrix: A Film on the New Science of Healing’ © 2009. The Living Matrix, LTD and Becker Massey LLC. (emginate). Video - 83 minutes. I have not reviewed a video before, but after seeing ‘The Living Matrix’, I felt I had to say something. I was intrigued...
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