A Spiritual Reading
Last Sunday, my sister and I went to a psychic fair in Tucson. We both signed up with the same lady and when it was her turn, we asked if we could do it together, and she said that would be fine. She didn't use cards, in fact it was more of a casual chit chat. I am...
The Semi-Blind Leading the Blind, Part One
By Peter Perkins Part One I felt this article come to me when Liz sent me a comment about one of my other articles. I thank you for your response as it helped me find another article within me that was waiting to be written. There are many times I feel like I am the...
There’s More to Life Than Meets the Eye
There’s more to Life than us. There’s more to communication than words or body language. There’s more to Earth than meets the eye. On Saturday, we went to the El Paso Gem and Mineral Show with a friend of ours. As we did our initial walk through, I observed what...
Grave’s End: A True Ghost Story by Elaine Mercado, R.N.
“Grave’s End: A True Ghost Story”, Elaine Mercado, R.N. © 2001, Llewellyn Publications. ISBN 0-7387-0003-7. Based on a true story; this is one family’s experience in a haunted house. This is not a horror story, but I don’t recommend this book for those readers who...
2012 and Fear
Our reality is created by our thoughts. If fear is what exists in you, then that is what you are creating with! There is a lot of confusion, and fear, surrounding 2012. Armageddon, End of Days, End of the World, etc. on one hand… Rejuvenation, Re-birth, new dimension,...
Far Journeys to Another World
By Peter Perkins I created the ribbon of light and centered it to the earth and sent the far end to the White Realm. The White Realm seemed closer this time. I once again went out to it. Once I was there I saw all kinds of people floating within as before. I met with...
Who is Peter Perkins?
Hello everyone, I have been asked to tell a little bit about myself, so that everyone can get to know the man behind my posts. I am thirty eight years old. I was born on Long Island off of New York State. The vast majority of my childhood was spent here. As a child I...
Time Travel
Is time travel real? Does it really exist? Are humans able to do it – and without a time travel machine? Yes. I can’t sit and explain the physics behind it…haven’t a clue. But, I can share some experiences, as well as throw some related theories on the table; and...
Astral Explorations II
By Peter Perkins (Part One) Since I now know about the white realm - the place of white light filled with people, I connected to that instead of to a star and off I went. Once again I returned to that place filled with orbs. I enjoyed the feeling for a while and then...
Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton
Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton. © 2000 – Eleventh printing, © 2006. Llewellyn. ISBN 1-56718-499-5. ‘Destiny of Souls’ is a step further into the information ‘Journey of Souls’. As in ‘Journey of Souls’, Newton offered cases with information received during...
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