A Look at Karma as it Influences Our Daily Lives
By Dorothy K. Slemmer When I graduated from the Hypnosis Institute and got my certificate in 1970, I was also a member of an E.S.P. study group. With certificate in hand, I was quickly swept into doing age-regression after age-regression for members of our study...
Mirrors, Mirrors Everywhere!
• The person who cut in front of you on the road. • The elderly person taking too much time at the checkout counter, while complaining of his or her health. • The child having a temper tantrum beside or behind you at the restaurant where you are trying to...
The Emerging Dream Healer by Adam
The Emerging Dream Healer by Adam. © 2006, Plume (Penguin Group). ISBN 0-452-28730-8. In The Emerging Dream Healer, Adam emphasizes each individual’s ability to heal themselves; this book is about how one goes about accomplishing this. Adam begins by addressing the...
Sharing Planet Earth
Earth is considered the ‘school of hard knocks’ – being confined in a physical body on a planet that one can experience joy, anger, happiness, despair, love, fear, hate, accomplishment and failure. But our planet is so much more than our self-encapsulated existence....
Same Soul, Many Bodies by Brian Weiss
Same Soul, Many Bodies by Brian Weiss. © 2005. Free Press. ISBN 978-0-7432-6434-1. In his previous book, Many Lives, Many Masters, Weiss – a M.D. and psychiatrist – used past life regressions to assist his clients when no root cause could be found in the client’s...
Reincarnation – Past Lives, Part Two
(Part One) As a child, I had dreams of the walking dead; freezing cold; doctors who terrified and hurt; and more. When I was older, I became excited when I walked into the living room where my father sat reading a book; on the cover of the book was a picture of the...
Reincarnation – Past Lives, Part One
Who are you? What created and shaped you into the person you are today? Genetics; your environment and/or upbringing; your culture; your life experiences, etc. all helped shape you into the person you are today. But what about past lives? And why can’t we remember all...
‘The Ghosts on 87th Lane’ by M.L. Woelm
The Ghosts on 87th Lane by M. L. Woelm. © 2007, Llewellyn Publications. ISBN 978-0-7387-1031-0. Woelm begins her story in 1968 and continues it to 2006. Her journaling is centered on moving into a haunted house in 1968. Poltergeist activity; scratching noises;...
September’s Mercury Retrograde Dates
Yep, it's that time again. Mercury goes retrograde on the 5th and goes direct again on September 29th. Don't know what that means? You can read the 'symptoms'. Please remember to keep it light for the retrograde time frame. 🙂
In mankind’s past, intricate rituals, usually with intense and lengthy preparations, were necessary for attempting manifestation. That was because Earth, and her inhabitants, were of a more dense energy; it took longer to accumulate the energies needed to manifest....
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