I have recently being doing some research and discovered that I do know a lot and there is a lot I don’t know.

The history of the United States – and the world – is not what we were taught for the last forty to fifty years. It was, however, the accepted edited history at the time. It’s a shame that the altered “truths” are shoved down our children’s and grandchildren’s throats…but perhaps that particular complaint of mine should be left for another time and article.

Forty to fifty years ago, we had a more limited view of our (individual) world; what we knew, right or wrong, was passed on to us through our family, our school, and limited information from newspapers and news on the radio or television.

There was a better connection to Earth; but individually, we were (as a majority) a bit uninformed on what really was happening in the rest of the world.

And then we expanded, through technological advancements, until we one day had the internet – then the whole world opened up to us.

We got to see videos, pictures, articles, etc. from – and about – nearly everywhere on our planet and beyond.

And we began exploring more of our spiritual nature – expanding our awareness and perceptions.

Then many began losing touch with their physical existence.

Our foods are coming from…well, many don’t know beyond the grocery store.

How many of you know what any of the following are and where they are found? (This is just a minute list – chemicals abound in our food, water and skin care products):

1.    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
2.    Sodium Nitrates and Sodium Nitrites
3.    Polyethylene glycol (PEG)
4.    Aspartame

I challenge each one of you to research and get to know exactly what they are and what they do; then go to your pantries, closets, drawers, cabinets and read your labels.

Did you know that you skin is your largest organ, and that what you put on your skin enters your bloodstream?

My doctor once told me that if I couldn’t pronounce an ingredient, or didn’t know what it was, then I shouldn’t be using, wearing or eating it.

We have expanded outward – and have learned a lot!

But, we seem to have forgotten our physical selves. Oh, we are exercising, and trying to watch our caloric intake, but we have basically and blindly allowed ourselves to eat whatever is on the grocery shelves or restaurants. If it is on the grocery shelf, or in the restaurant, it’s safe, right? Otherwise it couldn’t be there, right?


The processed stuff is there because it was cheap and easy to make (toxins included) and we keep buying it.

We have learned a lot! And, we’ve a lot to learn.

Our progression involves Body, Mind and Spirit – not just one of them, all of them.

As we work to take responsibility for our spiritual growth and our mental capacities, we must not forget to take responsibility for our physical bodies.

Before you use the insecticide, GMO/GE products/seeds, weed killers, etc., please read and research the ingredients (outside the company’s product page); you will be breathing, eating and drinking those same chemicals a bit down the road.

Read labels, inform yourself and help protect you and your children’s bodies.

Don’t believe that just because it is on a store shelf, in a restaurant, or your doctor’s office, that is it okay for you.

In this day and age of information, take control of what you will and will not allow for your healthier Body, Mind and Spirit.

by Jan Toomer


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