By the time my youngest was born, I realized that, though an infant’s physical body did need to learn a lot, the soul within was very conscious and aware…just unable to use the new physical body to communicate – thus creating a communication gap.

I shielded (both of us, with my child’s permission) and opened myself up to the child’s non-physical self; and opened myself to an amazing experience.

Over the years, I had been contacted by either parents of, or those who worked with, people with physical disabilities which restricted physical communication. I was asked if there were any other ways to communicate.

My answer? “Absolutely!”

Shield first, and after you shield, you ask permission – of the other person’s higher self – to shield them as well. If the answer is “no”, please respect that, and request again later.

After shielding, you can talk (and/or visualize), stating your request to the other person (and their higher self and/or soul), and – being still within – ‘listen’ to their response. And yes, this is a form of telepathy.

(Please be responsible and use common sense. If you are perceiving responses that are dangerous, harmful or very negative, release those responses and do not act on them!)

It often takes practice and patience to get the hang of this – just as most people don’t learn a new language overnight – and to trust yourself enough to ‘hear’ or ‘sense’ their response.

Can everyone do this (barring any psychological problems)? I do not have a specific answer for this – but can’t imagine why not!

If you are in a position to try this (after practice and patience!) – I would love to hear back from you about your experience.

Happy communicating!

The Universe Takes Everything Literal
Becoming One Reality – Part Two
Thinking Beyond 3D
3rd Dimension Communication Can Lead to Misunderstandings & Miscommunications
Your Meta Questions – March 2014
Energy Update – May 16, 2014
Mental Intrusion
Metaphysical Shorthand
Darn Auto-Correct

by Jan Toomer


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