~ Stand Together ~ I know I’ve been MIA on my site for a while. I’d been focusing on videos for TT and YT to – I guess I would say – provide a more personal experience. I’m sure you know about TikTok. This was one in a chain of shifts that has occurred in just in the...
In this video I share about the energies, old and new teams, and more. Transcribed: Hi. I want to do a quick energy update So this last week…wow..can I say “Woo!” So for me, and some others that I know, um, Sunday was like somebody put me in a slingshot and...
~ So Many Changes ~ So much has happened this month, and the month isn’t even over. We’re reminded to stay out of fear. Unsettled and chaotic energy on Earth. But chaotic doesn’t always mean something negative. What’s up with my connection with the Team? Feeling a...
~ Changes ~ The keywords for now are (these are not necessarily bad things): Changes Upheavals Shifting Decision-making Path creating Patience The energies right now are pointing towards changes both human and Mother Earth. It’s human nature to (generally) not like...
* For entertainment purposes only * This video is an update that the Team asked me to share. I talk a bit about some of what we, lightworkers, energy workers, etc. may be experiencing right now. by Jan Toomer...
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