by Jan Toomer | Mar 18, 2024 | Fear, Jan Toomer's Articles
First, I’d like to remind you that there are only two main emotions. Sure, we have loads of names for varying degrees of those two emotions, but there are only two: Love and Fear. Simply put, if something is not of love, then it is of fear. How can you tell which one...
by Jan Toomer | Feb 13, 2022 | Fear, Jan Toomer's Articles
It’s hard for me to hear those to be considered (by either themselves or by others) to be “spiritual” spouting – usually vehemently – “Us Versus Them” rhetoric or propaganda. How can there be an Us Versus Them when we’re all in this together? Fear. That’s how. Whether...
by Jan Toomer | Mar 1, 2021 | Fear, Jan Toomer's Articles
That’s right – we are experiencing and facing our fears. The energies has worked to help us release the past and learn new ways. And one way to help us is for our fears to be brought to the forefront. This is done on an individual scale, but also progresses to...
by Jan Toomer | Dec 20, 2020 | Fear, Jan Toomer's Articles
When I started my first job at a business I was still in high school. I was hired part time at a small local chocolate factory. One of the perks of the job was the employees could eat as much chocolate as they wanted. All the employees had to do was pick their candy,...
by Jan Toomer | Nov 22, 2020 | Fear, Jan Toomer's Articles
Is your life covid and politics? For some, that’s what it seems, right? And we know that with both covid-19 and politics, there’s a whole lot of uncertainty, misinformation, lies, confusion and fear. Very heavy in the third dimension energy. What a way to...
by Jan Toomer | Nov 8, 2020 | Fear, Jan Toomer's Articles
I started back to physical therapy at a new place in the end of September. It’d been about a year since my surgery (and the screw ups from the surgeon and staff), so each week at this new place has brought much healing and progress. But I’m not done yet....
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