by Jan Toomer | Oct 2, 2017 | Being Psychic / Sensitive, Future Glimpses, Jan Toomer's Articles
As we begin remembering more of who we truly are, we begin becoming more of who we truly are. We are stepping outside of our physical boundaries. We are energetic souls who are temporarily occupying a physical body – a physical vehicle. This vehicle is not who we are....
by Jan Toomer | Jan 16, 2017 | Future Glimpses, Jan Toomer's Articles
I was getting ready to have surgery on my hand, so was focused on the logistics of the pre-surgery to-do list, and the post-surgery to-do list. A dear friend and I went to lunch. She told me that I needed to get out of my head and move into my heart; and she was...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 11, 2011 | Future Glimpses, Jan Toomer's Articles
Many of us have heard that “something major” is happening soon. Some say it will happen at the end of October, others say in November. I have been asked a lot of questions, some of which is listed below: What is going to happen? Where is this going to take place? Do I...
by Jan Toomer | Jan 10, 2011 | Future Glimpses, Jan Toomer's Articles
Jan. 5, 2011 by Jan Toomer Dreams are increasing; I am getting restless, but sleeping deeply. The world is becoming unsettled…not understanding (the beginning) of the mass exoduses occurring worldwide. Many feel their governments are hiding the causes of this mass...
by Jan Toomer | Jan 3, 2011 | Future Glimpses, Jan Toomer's Articles
by Jan Toomer The week leading to Christmas, I was told (by my guides) to get ready for a ‘trial run’. The feeling accompanying this message was that we were to experience – short term – no electricity…so I was thinking it would happen the weekend of Dec. 25th. My...
by Jan Toomer | Dec 1, 2009 | Future Glimpses, Jan Toomer's Articles
Our reality is created by our thoughts. If fear is what exists in you, then that is what you are creating with! There is a lot of confusion, and fear, surrounding 2012. Armageddon, End of Days, End of the World, etc. on one hand… Rejuvenation, Re-birth, new dimension,...
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