Our Guides have a Sense of Humor!

by Linda Aragon My Spiritual Meetings here in Las Cruces are on hold as I’m getting prepared to undergo multiple major surgeries.  Keeping fear and anxiety at bay is proving to be challenging. When I ask myself what am I afraid of, it’s not dying (though I feel...

The Green Thing

Author Unknown Checking out at the grocery store recently, the young cashier suggested I should bring my own grocery bags because plastic bags weren’t good for the environment. I apologized and explained, “We didn’t have this green thing back in my...

Two Metaphysical Messages from My Experiences

by Peter Perkins I did want to share a few things though since they touch on the Metaphysical and I seriously believe they were meant for more than just myself. We really are manifesting things faster. I went with my stepfather to Carlsbad to share the driving duties....

The Truth Is You

by Ike Treviño So, if the world is ending soon, (it is ending, right?), then why is the U.S. American society more concerned about the most trivial gossip regarding celebrities and politician’s lives? Oh, and don’t forget our massive interest in the unrealistic...

7 Myths About Spiritual Awakening

by Melody Larson Many have misconceptions about spiritual awakening. They believe that enlightenment means reaching a perfected, almost non-human state. Yet today, living your life as a spiritually awakened person does not mean discarding the robes of your humanity....

Super Psychic Kids

by Keith Varnum Amazing Powers of New Children In increasing numbers every year, “New Children” are being born around the world who have “x-ray” vision, move objects through the air with their minds, and know the future. And these abilities are...
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