by Jan Toomer | Apr 7, 2021 | Consultations, Energy Healing, Healing, House or Property Cleansing
Ana Quezada is a Reiki Master and a New Dimension Energy Session™ Practitioner. Ana does not work for me, Jan Toomer or Reality Undefined LLC or Reality Undefined website. And has been learning from, and working with, me since 2009. She is her own person and works her...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 30, 2017 | Ghosts or Spirits, House or Property Cleansing, Jan Toomer's Articles
Shadow People are the blacker than black silhouettes some have seen in their homes. They are different than the black shadow-like forms of ghosts. Shadow People are reported to: be very tall be fearless be blacker than black step out from and retreat back into the...
by Jan Toomer | Jul 10, 2017 | Being Psychic / Sensitive, Ghosts or Spirits, House or Property Cleansing, Jan Toomer's Articles
This is an item or place that has been affected by either energy residue or an attachment. Remember ever picking up an item, putting it down, and wiping your hands on your pants or skirt? That was you reacting to an unpleasant or negative energy on, or in, the item....
by Jan Toomer | Jan 7, 2015 | Ghosts or Spirits, House or Property Cleansing
Pre- or Post- Purchase Property Energy Scan* Some people like to check to make sure there aren’t any ghosts or non-physical occupants, or unpleasant energy residue before they purchase a new place. Jan Toomer / Reality Undefined LLC will do an energy scan and...
by Jan Toomer | Nov 1, 2014 | Ghosts or Spirits, House or Property Cleansing
Stagnant Energy Traumatic Energy Previous Owners/Occupants Energy Ghosts Just Want it Cleansed and Blessed These are all valid reasons to have your house, business and/or property cleansed and blessed. In Person: I use Aromatherapy mists to smudge, cleanse, seal and...
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