Not Abandoned

Not Abandoned

In one of my cerebral days I connected to my team and asked, “What will happen to those who have had the currents shots and those who have not?” I was not, and am not, looking for blaming or shaming anyone for their decisions. The answer I received was, “Each...
The Haze of Uncertainty

The Haze of Uncertainty

Living in the haze of uncertainty seems to be a popular theme again. Some people are feeling a bit like floating in limbo – stuck in an in-between space, not sure where to turn. Why is this happening? Energetically, we are working on: 1. Restructuring the physical...
What A Mess That Was

What A Mess That Was

The weather was nice when you bee-bopped into the grocery store to get your shopping done. You came across: An angry man muttering to himself in the canned goods aisle. An old woman scowling as she looks over the baked goods. A woman trying to keep track of the cost...
The Devil Has My Name

The Devil Has My Name

I was awakened by a man talking to me. “The Devil has my name.” “Um…what? Who are you? Do you know what time it is?” I scrubbed my face in frustration. Sometimes the deceased or ghosts forget that the physical body needs sleep. “The Devil has my name,” he...
Dark Side of Self

Dark Side of Self

Why have I been writing so much about abuse, civil and human rights, narcissism and self doubt? Because we are working on healing and releasing the past, both for ourselves and Earth. Not only are we supposed to be working on that, but we are also working on bringing...
A Letter To My Father

A Letter To My Father

Many know of my past struggles with my mother and how I used Ho’oponopono to heal the imbalanced energy – not only within myself, but also my energy to and towards my mother. This past year I received pictures and other Jan-related items that my mother had kept....
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