I look around and see so many people – of all ages – with their face in their phone. Taking selfies everywhere. Using apps to transform their faces into someone or something else. (Okay, this is kind of fun once or twice.) Showing off for the camera – often unaware of...
The silent victim is the one hidden in the shadows, embarrassed and scared to let others know what’s going on. And afraid of what the abuser may do to them if they try to leave. * * * The relationship started off wonderful and pure. Once we got married, little...
When you are practicing your abilities, or strengthening your metaphysical abilities, one of the toughest things you work on is getting out of your own way. By this I mean we are programmed from birth on to listen to others, not ourselves. Metaphysical and/or energy...
A question posed to me: How do you let go of intolerance and judging and move into tolerance? Let’s take a look at intolerance; what does it mean and what does it create? Intolerance is an unwillingness to accept an energy, action or behavior, or belief...
As you know, our daughter JoAnna committed suicide in 2009. Though her physical death occurred in 2009, she actually started her death process on September 11, 2001 – also known as 9-11. We were lucky in that we knew why she killed herself, but it didn’t make...
That’s right – we are experiencing and facing our fears. The energies has worked to help us release the past and learn new ways. And one way to help us is for our fears to be brought to the forefront. This is done on an individual scale, but also progresses to...
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