Beware the Cult Mentality

Beware the Cult Mentality

Over the last few years the Team shared messages of how we should be aware of elitism, separation, segregation and the repeated message to be careful of “us vs them”. They also worked to remind us to think for ourselves and not blindly follow anyone. Today they bring...
Perfection Theme

Perfection Theme

Themes, for me, are when two or more people bring up the same topic in a short time – usually within a week. That is when I get the nudge to share it here. The one that came over the last two weeks is the theme of perfection. Perfection Theme We are often very quick...
Selfies Everywhere

Selfies Everywhere

I look around and see so many people – of all ages – with their face in their phone. Taking selfies everywhere. Using apps to transform their faces into someone or something else. (Okay, this is kind of fun once or twice.) Showing off for the camera – often unaware of...
I Stayed

I Stayed

The silent victim is the one hidden in the shadows, embarrassed and scared to let others know what’s going on. And afraid of what the abuser may do to them if they try to leave. * * * The relationship started off wonderful and pure. Once we got married, little...
It’s Time For Intolerance To End

It’s Time For Intolerance To End

A question posed to me: How do you let go of intolerance and judging and move into tolerance? Let’s take a look at intolerance; what does it mean and what does it create? Intolerance is an unwillingness to accept an energy, action or behavior, or belief...
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