My Soul Sighed

My Soul Sighed

The constant din was just about gone. I’d not even consciously knew it’d been there…until the self-quarantine. We humans make so much noise. We do with this with our vehicles, running appliances, microwaves, radios, wi-fi’s, etc. And with our busy thoughts and minds;...
The Others

The Others

I’ve not written much about the Others (those not from Earth – aka alien) before. Why? Perhaps because it can be such a controversial topic or a trigger topic. Perhaps it’s because when I tried sharing my experiences when I was a child, it wasn’t received well at all....
Our World Has Changed

Our World Has Changed

A lot has transpired since I last posted. Some complained that I’d not posted anything and they really wanted to hear from me about the Covid-19 (novel coronavirus). Others still asked if I’d come down with Covid-19. I did not test positive for viruses, but did...
The Illusion of Time

The Illusion of Time

Our sense of time may be feeling like it’s becoming skewed. – We may be feeling like, though the days may speed by, the week takes forever. – Or vice versa; the weeks speed by but it feels like the days drag on. – What happened a week or two ago may...
What is My Life’s Purpose?

What is My Life’s Purpose?

Our souls crave to express themselves in a positive way while we navigate our Earth life journey.* What is My Life’s Purpose? This is a question many of us may ask in some form. This can be in the form of asking it directly; or seeking and searching for…something...
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