We Have Become the Frog in the Pot

We Have Become the Frog in the Pot

I’m proud to be an American, but I don’t see much of America alive today. Service members are supposed to receive health care until their death. That was part of the deal when they signed up to protect our country. But benefits are being skewed, unfunded or dropped...
Weaving Them Together

Weaving Them Together

The articles on the Reality Undefined blog are usually connected in a way to help us with what we are currently going through, what we may soon experience, and all in preparation for our next step in growth. The team who works with me on writing these articles likes...
Forgetting to Breathe

Forgetting to Breathe

As computers became more prevalent in our work and homes, it started becoming necessary to work with ergonomic chairs, keyboards and the like, and to work on getting up and walking about every hour. Sitting so long at a desk or at a computer means sluggishness in both...
Power Versus Empower

Power Versus Empower

When I work with someone or even just having a deep conversation with someone, I can be surprised by the information coming through me from the Teams. Such was the case recently when a friend and I were deep in conversation. We both received a quick lesson on the...
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