What is Truth?

What is Truth?

What is truth? And who defines what truth is? Aristotle had a lot to say about truth and falsity. “To say of what is that it is not, or of what is not that it is, is false, while to say of what is that it is, and of what is not that it is not, is true”. ~ Aristotle,...


I know I say this each year, but dang! It’s January again! So while I was scoping out the energy to see what’s up, I had to giggle. I was shown a scene of a really big rubber band slingshot with, instead of ammunition or a rock, a silhouette of a person in it. The...
Energetic Etiquette

Energetic Etiquette

I absolutely love this title, but this title is not my creation. Thank you, Steff! Energy workers (should) know that we don’t work on anyone without receiving their permission first. This is Energetic Etiquette 101. But what about those who can’t verbally give us...
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