2019 Is All About The New

2019 Is All About The New

So many changes occurring with so many of us, and this is not a bad thing. We are growing and changing. And while we are doing this, and because we are beginning to pay more attention to self – all of self – new, and some wondrous things are being presented. You are...
Great Blob of Envy

Great Blob of Envy

I couldn’t figure out what was wrong, but knew something was definitely “off” with me. I hadn’t done anything different; hadn’t had any interactions with anyone negative; I wasn’t sick…so what was going on? I was getting frustrated and cranky and feeling out-of-place...
Kickin’ and Screamin’

Kickin’ and Screamin’

I often tell people that no one belongs on a pedestal, myself included. We are all having human experiences, and we all have skills…but we are all human. This time that we are in is about facing your deepest ______ (whatever) and hopefully healing and releasing it....
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