Metaphysical, Spiritual and Paranormal Consultations Consultas Metafísicas, Espirituales y Paranormales I’m excited to announce that I am adding Ana Quezada as translator for Spanish speaking clients for those scheduling a Zoom Consultation appointment. Me...
As the end of November creeps closer you may feel…relieved, expanded, and/or lightened energy. Can you feel it? The Forerunners Also called the path-makers, the way-showers, the ground crew, etc. These are the Lightworkers, energy workers and the like who have been...
Humans have lived from the brain, ego, and in fear for a very long time. Now we’re transitioning to moving into and living from the heart. This transition may be a little rocky until we adjust; we may occasionally feel emotionally sensitive. What does that look and...
We went to the hot springs for a few days. Hubby suggested I needed to relax. I told him I wasn’t sure if I would be able to. I asked my team to help me unwind, unplug, rejuvenate and have time to write to finish my third book. When we got to the hot springs and...
~ Prickly – Argumentative ~ Wow! The energies we just traversed the last 14 days had been intense. Headaches, insomnia/exhaustion, digestive issues, crying / weeping / teary-eyed, as well as reminiscing the past again. But this coming week is going to be a bit bumpy...
Okay, I know a lot seems to have kind of gone sideways; I get that. Well, yeah, we’re feeling pretty tired. Sure, it appears that world has gone bonkers. Yeah, it sometimes feels like we’re living in the old lawless west where it’s a free-for-all. Isn’t it great? No,...
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