The Yin Yang

The Yin Yang

Bring in the Light Live in the Light Be the Light But what about our dark side? Doesn’t everyone have a dark side? Do we ignore that? What happens to our dark side? We all have a dark side. We were born into the human bodies for this experience; this third dimensional...
In Memoriam Frank Geisel

In Memoriam Frank Geisel

We lost a wonderful man this February. One who added depth and color to our world. We are fortunate though, because his light shines on through all the lives he touched. Dear Frank – Thank you for sharing yourself with me, my husband, and countless others. You were a...
New Chakra System

New Chakra System

Some healers have noticed that some client’s chakra system has changed. The colors, quantity, feel, etc. The more a person moves into the fourth dimension, the more the energy bodies will alter and adjust. Here’s the 3D Chakra System:        ...
Not Set in Stone

Not Set in Stone

We are in a place that we are being asked these questions, or we are asking our selves these questions. What is it you want? Is your hobby or career making your soul feel fulfilled? What is calling to you or for you? After my hand surgery in December, followed by...
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