Listen to Yourself

Listen to Yourself

Listening to yourself begins with trusting yourself. While those words are easily understood by the logical aspects of the mind, it may not be so easily implemented. We have been programmed from physical day one, also known as our birth, to listen to others. We began...
The Yin Yang

The Yin Yang

Bring in the Light Live in the Light Be the Light But what about our dark side? Doesn’t everyone have a dark side? Do we ignore that? What happens to our dark side? We all have a dark side. We were born into the human bodies for this experience; this third dimensional...
In Memoriam Frank Geisel

In Memoriam Frank Geisel

We lost a wonderful man this February. One who added depth and color to our world. We are fortunate though, because his light shines on through all the lives he touched. Dear Frank – Thank you for sharing yourself with me, my husband, and countless others. You were a...
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