He Needed To Be Heard

He Needed To Be Heard

Waves of longing, alternating with regret, rolled off his defeated shoulders as he stood – transfixed – at the picture window. Shirtless and standing in a small puddle from the water dripping off of him, he glimpsed what he thought as an unattainable reality. An Hour...
Hang In There

Hang In There

During today’s meditation session, I was prompted to ask you all to hang in there. We all know the elections are scheduled for tomorrow. Angst, fear, unease, and an energetic buzz (not necessarily a pleasant one) are on the rise…not only within the United States, but...
There’s More Going On

There’s More Going On

Because everything is connected (energy is everything; everything is energy), I did my best to narrow things down to stick on point for this article. What I share here is just a small piece of a much larger, interconnected picture. I don’t usually write about/discuss...
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