This is a series to present a snapshot of some experiences or perceptions that I, or others, have with an ability. This does not mean everyone with that ability or in those circumstances will have similar experiences; each unique individual has their own unique...
Chaos Is Losing Its Control News and Views from the Other Side I see that October is bringing in some pretty strong (dare I say “intense”?) energy. This is the message the Other Side has for us: Dark/negative energy becomes bolder – more blatant – and...
Q. Please explain “Spokesperson”, “Gatekeeper” and “Higher Self”. A. The following are how I use the terms — others are free to adopt and adapt as they feel: Spokesperson: I appoint this being to speak on behalf of all who...
There’s a fun and challenging game called “Twister”. Imagine, if you will, that you’re on the Twister mat and you’re waiting for the whirl of the spinner and the other person to tell you where to go; which hand or leg goes on which colored dot. Except you gave a...
For all of you who don’t feel like they belong; don’t fit; are constantly trying to find a niche’ or place to belong. For those of you who keep trying, thinking and hoping, “Maybe this time,” while asking yourself, “Where do I fit?” Knowing that you’re probably very...
In August we took a look at an example of a ripple effect caused by thinking about someone else, and how that other person may pick up on it. Thinking Beyond 3D We’ve also touched on telepathy (mental communication) over the years. Can we take that further? Yes. I was...
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