Q. You talked about how some people are experiencing changes in their dietary needs, tastes, etc. How will I know if I am going through this? A. (Aside from any medical concerns). Some people get confused and concerned as to what is happening during some of the energy...
Frustration Delays Uncooperative Getting Slammed Wanting to Retreat Patience Tested Communication Glitches Electronic Glitches Bouts of Exhaustion These have been the energies – sometimes extreme, sometimes barely noticeable – that many may have been encountering for...
Many of us are experiencing so many changes right now, on different levels. Physical Changes Emotional Changes Energetic Changes We are purging emotional garbage, which can lead to physical changes as we become lighter; and we are experiencing energetic changes, which...
The energy is pushing each of us – encouraging us to release holding on to illusions; quit blindly following someone/anyone; accept responsibility for self (own thoughts, actions, non-actions, deeds and words); and to no longer stuff our agitations, frustrations,...
(If these have not been determined to be a medical issue) : Q. I have been seeing lights. They only show up when my eyes are relaxed. They can appear, dart around and disappear. They are approx. pinhead sized. They show up, dart around, blink out. Any thoughts? A. I...
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