We are being asked to seek clarity for the areas in our life where confusion, indecision or even fear reigns. “Easier said than done”…right? It is the confusion and indecision that has mired us down. It can be an anchor, preventing us from moving forward. This is...
As we (each individual, at his/her own pace) continue our journey of healing, releasing and integrating (all aspects of soul self; now, past and future), we can go through some unique shifts/changes as well as the possibility of having some unusual experiences. (By...
One of the themes going through our lives is revisiting the past. The past can come around in different forms, including: memories or flashbacks; someone from your past popping back into your life; and trends, to name a few. And what about remakes? Music, movies, etc....
I’ve had a lot of people asking me about Muslims and them “wanting to kill Americans”. I took a portion of one of those emails and will share here (and will be addressing some aspects of other emails as well). Please remember, I am sharing my beliefs,...
We’ve talked about accepting responsibility for one’s own thoughts, actions and deeds. We’ve discussed that each individual’s intent creates each individual’s reality. But what about words? We’ve addressed being clear and concise in our written and verbal...
Something occurred last night that is a rarity for me. I had nightmares. Not just one. I’d get out of one only to find myself in a different one. I was aware that my body was resting and that I was having nightmares. Even with this awareness, the nightmares continued....
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