The Mental Carousel

The Mental Carousel

We are being asked to seek clarity for the areas in our life where confusion, indecision or even fear reigns. “Easier said than done”…right? It is the confusion and indecision that has mired us down. It can be an anchor, preventing us from moving forward. This is...

The Third Life of Bell-Bottoms

One of the themes going through our lives is revisiting the past. The past can come around in different forms, including: memories or flashbacks; someone from your past popping back into your life; and trends, to name a few. And what about remakes? Music, movies, etc....

The Power of Words

We’ve talked about accepting responsibility for one’s own thoughts, actions and deeds. We’ve discussed that each individual’s intent creates each individual’s reality. But what about words? We’ve addressed being clear and concise in our written and verbal...
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