by Jan Toomer | Feb 16, 2015 | Jan Toomer's Articles, News and Views from the Other Side
Loss Where is the Light? I no longer “see” or “feel” it out there. Some people are feeling: Abandoned Isolated Disconnected Alone Grief, for the loss There is no loss. There is no disconnect. You are not isolated or alone. You haven’t been abandoned. My friends, you...
by Jan Toomer | Feb 9, 2015 | Jan Toomer's Articles
We all have been going through major changes – usually in waves and/or spurts – for the last three or so years. I have been asked, “Where have you been?” I am no exception to these inner shifts and changes. So, where have I been? I have been here and there. *grin*...
by Jan Toomer | Feb 9, 2015 | Jan Toomer's Articles, News and Views from the Other Side
Love Not the 1960’s sexual revolution. Not free love. Not “love, honor and obey”. Not the hormonal rush of attraction. Unconditional love. This love is beyond the physical. It is a soul love. Unconditional love allows every being the right to be themselves. It does...
by Jan Toomer | Feb 2, 2015 | Jan Toomer's Articles, News and Views from the Other Side
Some people have begun to feel panicky, and perhaps lost or adrift. The team came in and said that they wanted to address some of these concerns. This session will be presented over three weeks. ID “Who am I?” Though this question often pops up throughout our life –...
by Jan Toomer | Jan 26, 2015 | Jan Toomer's Articles
I slowly, and grudgingly, began to wake; my team gently prodding me. As I reached the state between awake and asleep, the channeling started. I was presented a list of approximately ten topics that they wanted to address. I reminded them that they needed to go slowly,...
by Jan Toomer | Jan 26, 2015 | Jan Toomer's Articles, Your Meta Questions
Q. Why don’t you ever write about all the negative crap going on in the world? A. Why should I? I feel there is enough written or shared on that. Since everything is energy, I’d rather spend my time, and energy, to aid bringing energy back into balance....
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