by Jan Toomer | Oct 28, 2014 | Energy Updates, Jan Toomer's Articles
Whew! That is the word for the last two weeks. Since Mercury Retrograde has ended, many of us are feeling jettisoned forward. Some of us feel that life has moved into fast forward mode; you get up in the morning, blink, and it’s time for bed and you are exhausted. So...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 28, 2014 | Animal Communication, Jan Toomer's Articles
Do animal totems have a role in learning the new energies coming in? My answer (my perspective) is a resounding “Yes!” This past month has been a wild ride for me. Purging even more of the past as well as learning more about love and compassion. And as I worked this...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 19, 2014 | Jan Toomer's Articles
I continue to work on healing and releasing my third dimensional-ness. I was frustrated while working on one of my recent issues-for-release. I felt like I was on a vicious merry-go-round. I noticed that I still carried the fear-energy that I possessed when I was a...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 14, 2014 | Jan Toomer's Articles
We are feeling the push. “Move forward”, “Get back to work”, “It’s time”, etc. Yet for some of us, as we work to get back to work, we are finding speed bumps – or in some cases – walls. These are slowing us down, detouring us or stopping us altogether. This energy...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 6, 2014 | Jan Toomer's Articles, Your Meta Questions
Q. There are so many different views and/or techniques for energy work out and about. How do I tell which one is right? A. Let’s review: – Everything is energy and energy is everything. – Your thoughts, beliefs and attitudes create your reality. Which...
by Jan Toomer | Oct 2, 2014 | Energy Updates, Ghosts or Spirits, Jan Toomer's Articles
I have had calls, emails, and texts with those who are concerned with what is going on energetically. Unusual Experiences Weird Feeling Panicky Feelings Feeling “Off” Observing – local deaths, crime waves, mental imbalances, illnesses What the Heck is Going On? We are...
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