Part I

But It Doesn’t End There

  • Appetites are increasing – the human body needs a bit extra to keep up with the energy shifts.
  • Exhaustion – our bodies are requesting more sleep right now.
  • Sensitivities have increased – our physical senses, as well as our abilities, may feel in overload. As we rise in energy, we are becoming more aware of the energy; this means our physical senses may be enhanced through vibratory changes. We need to adjust and learn to turn the ‘volume knob’ down on our senses (yes, we can learn to turn them down a bit – and can crank them up again when needed).
  • Enforcing Boundaries – becoming more firm with what we each will and will not allow into our lives.
  • People Act Like I Don’t Exist! – One of the things happening is many are feeling frustrated… feeling as if those around them don’t even acknowledge their existence…that is until they physically bump into you…then they seem genuinely surprised and confused that they didn’t see you (although you may have seen them clearly).

One friend’s interpretation is that many people may be self-absorbed or internal and that they are just not paying attention to their surroundings.

My interpretation (and it doesn’t mean it’s right) is that…as energy frequencies raise, lower vibrations literally do not see the higher vibrations – kind of like those with higher frequencies are becoming invisible to those closer to the third dimension reality.

And There is More

What the heck is going on?

We’ve discussed the electromagnetic pulses/energy shifts – we can add to that the solar flares (exhaustion, feeling as though trying to walk through molasses) and feeling the emotional ripples from turmoil occurring globally.

We are going through changes, physically and spiritually. We are humans…we adapt, change and grow. That is who we are.

Preparations – Your Choice

If you’ve been listening to media (TV, Radio, etc.), you are hearing hints of what we may be looking at…gas, food, energy shortages. Many people/experts (?) are recommending having at least six months food, medicine and toiletries supplies on hand.

This is not a scare tactic – more common sense.

I see patterns and possible outcomes for what is occurring right now. The possibility of energy shortage in the U.S. is currently high. I was ‘shown’ a scene from when I was growing up – long lines at the gas stations. I was young and wasn’t driving at the time, but was curious as to why people had to wait so long and use coupons. It was an energy shortage.

If there is an energy shortage, the foods flown/shipped/trucked into your area will be limited because of the fuel shortages.

Combining Households

If you have ideas or plans to go to someone else’s place to ride out shortages (if they occur) – you need to have your (at least) six month supplies in place before you arrive (or bring with you).

Isn’t This Creating It?

Isn’t this creating fear – and working on manifesting the shortages?

I am not doing this out of fear – to me, it just seems like common sense.

I lived with tornadoes – our family prepared for them, but did not create them with our thoughts of preparing for them.

I lived with hurricanes – we prepared for them, but did not create them.

Earthquakes – same thing.

Oil and gas shortages – I will prepare for them…same thing.

I figured the worst that could happen is that there is no energy shortage and I won’t have to buy canned veggies for a while.   🙂

by Jan Toomer


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